Monday, January 4, 2010

Popcorn Warmer How Do You Clean Burnt Oil Out Of A Popcorn Maker?

How do you clean burnt oil out of a popcorn maker? - popcorn warmer

I bought a popcorn machine - the kind with a boiler like the movies. It is a layer of oil into the kettle and crusts on the edges, I can think of to go burned. I tried to wash off warm water and soap and also tried Easy-Off oven cleaner. Always work, but it is very, very smoky, when I try to use it. Any suggestions would be great!


Hopeki said...

There are products specifically designed for the cleaning of the popcorn. They are grainy and are in large bottles. I included a link below.

Is this what your budget, you want something that will reduce the fat. I have several in our Popper, but make sure it says "cut the fat" on the label.

And finally, a certain amount agreed upon in fat, it's like a spicy pan. However, if you have to put on the nuclei begin to clean because they have a burning smell that cause the people in the room number.

I speak from experience!

Miz Lamb said...

SOS or Brillo PAD and hot water and a pile of laundry.

Hot water does not burn any fat at all. To function as Comet abrasive cleaners or bar owner friends too, but the hot water needs and a range of steel washers.

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